Latest Reunion Announcement!

May 12-17, 2008

Sure hope you are planning to go to this reunion. Don Rickel has done a bang up job putting it together and is firming up prices, etc.. We hope to have registration forms in the next newsletter. I have made my hotel reservations and so have a few others. Directions to hotel--page 2. Read it and save so you don't get lost. Also on page 2 is info from Don if you are coming into Boston by train or plane. When we arrive, we will get a packet with the itinerary, a map, and information on dining, shopping, etc.. Here is a rundown of activities:

Monday evening--Welcome Aboard. Hospitality room will be available at 1 p.m. for early arrivals. If you have paid your annual dues, but are not signing up for tours, you may still attend the welcome aboard.


Bus tour of Portland, Portland Head Lighthouse, Scenic Cruise of Casco Bay, Lunch, Tour of Wadsworth-Longfellow Home. Dinner on your own. (More info on Portland light and Longfellow House on page 4 of newsletter)


Annual Business Meeting and Auction(bring something). Lunch and Dinner on your own. Afternoon free to explore Portland--everything is in walking distance as Portland is a fairly small compact city. If you have paid annual dues, you may attend the business meeting and auction.


Maritime Museum and Freeport Shopping (L.L. Bean! and many other stores). Buffet Lunch at Museum. Dinner on your own.


Trip to NAS Brunswick, visit to VP8, aircraft tour, briefing by CO-Peter Garvin. Lunch at base dining hall(The Galley). Possible visit to Memorial Gardens where the two memorial plaques for crews lost in 1963 and 1978 are located and/or to Bowdoin College Peary/McMillan Arctic Museum if time permits. Be sure you have photo ID to get on base. [Check out base at]

We'll be back in plenty of time to rest and clean up before the Banquet. You may attend banquet by registering for it even if you don't sign up for tours. Remember this is a dress up occasion.

Farewell Breakfast at hotel.

Be sure you have some good walking shoes and some warm clothing because you're going "up north!" New England weather if very unpredictable in May (or any other time for that matter!).

Not on the tour: The Victorian Mansion and the Art Museum which are very close to the hotel. You might want to put these on your free time agenda. Hope to have info on camping in next newsletter.

Please email me at for information.


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