
Picnic 2008
March 15th, 2008
Juniper Springs, Florida
MAY/JUN - #127 Newsletter

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LEFT TO RIGHT: Ralph and Theresa Papa, Vicki Ramella, Ken Perry, Ray and Sue Ceynowa, Beth Perry, Ed and Sally Metzger, Theresa Daughter of Kathy Keith (in front of her), Audrey Pendleton, Paula Soyke, Stewart Pendleton and Tom Soyke.

Picnic 2004
November 13th, 2004
Juniper Springs, Florida
Contributed by Beth Perry

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LEFT TO RIGHT: Herm Schaepe, Tom Soyke, Beth and Ken Perry, Paula Soyke, Jerry and Mary Gardner, Ray and Sue Ceynowa, Ed and Linda Helzel, Pete Kucyk, Kathy and Tom Keith (wheelchair), Joan Kucyk, Al Shiller, Rita Shiller (The Short One), Curry Jamison, Audrey and Stewart Pendleton and Chuck Robbins, and John Jamison (Our Photographer).

Reunion 2003
Pensacola Florida
November 5th through 9th, 2003
Contributed by Bill Caefer

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CDR Dishman with Beth

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VP-8 Officers

Picnic 2001
November 17th, 2001
Juniper Springs, Florida
Contributed by Beth Perry

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STANDING: Pete and Joan Kucyk, John Prokosch, Carolyn Magee, Beth Perry (The Adorable One), Frank Magee, Tom Keith, Alice Robbins, Curry Jamison, Kathleen Keith, Marge Jackson, Sue Ceynowa, Al Shiller, Ray Ceynowa, Bill and& Kay Thomas, Paula Soyke and Mary Prokosch.

KNEELING: Ken Perry, Chuck Robbins, Bob Jackson (Our Mascot), Tom Soyke and John Jamison.


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