VPNAVY Address

Link VX/VXE-6 LinksLink

VX/VXE-6 Personal WebSite
Linkhttp://www.puckeredpenguins.org/ "...VX/VXE-6 Association..." Contributed by PNC(SW) Tony V. Brown Retired chiefbrown84@sbcglobal.net..." [12NOV2011]

Official VXE-6 WebSite
Linkhttp://www.navy.mil/homepages/vxe6/ [Ice Pirates][Link Dead 22AUG99]

The Merrick Mountains/VXE-6 Personal WebSite
Linkhttp://www.geocities.com/danmerrick/antx/ Contributed by Dan Merrick danmerr@ix.netcom.com [14AUG2001]

VX-6 Personal WebSite
Linkhttp://www.vaq34.com/vxe6/ "...I have started up an "unofficial" VXE-6 webpage. It can be found at: http://www.VAQ34.com/vxe6webp.htm. Please surf on over and check it out. There is a mailing list, a VX/VXE-6 web ring, plus news and OAE related items of interest. Please check it out, and help us (all VX/VXE-6 OAE's) save one of VXE-6's LC-130F's for the future..." Contributed by Joe Hawkins webmaster@vaq34.com..." [Link Updated 08APR2002 | 22AUG99]

VX-6 Personal WebSite
Linkhttp://www.radiocom.net/vx6/ Contributed by Dave Riley vx6@radiocom.net[11AUG99]

VX-6 Personal [HullNumber WebSite] VX-6 WebSite
Link http://www.hullnumber.com/cgi-bin/aviation1?VX-6&6 [14APR2002]

VXE-6 Personal [HullNumber WebSite] VXE-6 WebSite
Link http://www.hullnumber.com/cgi-bin/aviation1?VXE-6&6&THE&PUCKERED&PENGUINS [14APR2002]

VX-6 Personal [MILITARY.COM] WebSite
Link http://www.military.com/HomePage/UnitCreatedPage/0,11003,202881,00.html [04MAY2002]

"VXE-6 Summary Page"