VQ History
A BIT OF HISTORY: VQ Reserve Center Change-of-Command "...Photograph from the change of command. The photograph is of all the VQ-2ers that came. Captain Scorby was the guest speaker, and I relieved CDR Mikulla. The time frame for these VQers was NS Rota, Spain/1996-2000. From L to R: LCDR Bryan Durkee, LCDR Tom Hoover, LCDR Jenna Hausvick, LCDR Dan Hopkins, Captain Jack Scorby, CDR Wade Mikulla, Rabbi Josh Levy, LCDR Matt Pearson (MSC officer), and LCDR Emilio Martinez (RET/Jet Blue). Bottom row: LCDR Silvio Barbosa, and LCDR Joseph Vaccarella (IRR/JP Morgan and Chase)..." Contributed by LCDR Silvio J. Barbosa silvio.barbosa@navy.mil [11MAR2007]
"VQ Summary Page"