VPNAVY VP-8 Reunion
VPNAVY Address

Reunion ZP ReunionsReunion


REUNION: "...The Naval Airship Association ( NAA ) will hold its next Reunion in Lakehurst NJ on September 4-6, 2007. Information, membership and registration forms are available by going to NAA Website: http://www.naval-airships.org/. Further info maybe obtained by contacting George cdra@juno.com..." Contributed by George cdra@juno.com [29MAR2007]

REUNION: "...The Naval Airship Association ( NAA ) will hold its next Reunion in Pensacola, FL from September 21 through September 23, year 2000. For further information on the planned Reunion or the NAA organization please contact John Kane at: Tel: 314-991-3901, Fax: 314-991-9621, E-mail: jckanejr@juno.com Address: #2 Maryhill, St. Louis, MO 63124..." [16AUG99]

REUNION: "...The Naval Airship Association is holding its biennial reunion in Denver, CO from 22 to25 May 1999. For information on this reunion or the Association itself ( now numbering about 1200 members ) please contact: John C. Kane, Capt. USN Ret., #2 Maryhill, St. Louis, MO 63124, Tel: 314-991-3901, Fax: 314-991-9621, E-mail: jckanejr@juno.com..." [23SEP98]

"Reunion Summary Page"