VPNAVY VP-8 Reunion
VPNAVY Address

Reunion VX/VXE/VXN ReunionsReunion


REUNION: "...Calling all Blue Eagles and World Travelers. The squadron will soon be decommissioned for 18 years. We are planning a VXN-8 Reunion on June 22nd and 23rd 2012. Plans are just being made at this time and we hope to get a head count in the next few months. You have plenty of time to make arrangements and plans. We hope to see the former members at NAS Patuxent River Maryland for the VXN-8 Reunion. Please see Facebook - VXN-8 World Travellers for more information..." Contributed by WILLIAMS, Daryl darylw1952@aol.com [13APR2011]

REUNION: "...I am curious as to how many ex-VXN-8 personnel would be interested in a Reunion. This one would be for the enlisted, as the officer community already has one of their own, which is not for the enlisted men and women. If there is enough interest I will persue this futher. Please let me know either by e-mail or phone. Home is 410-326-2074 work is 301-863-2453. Thanks folks..." Contributed by Howard Braden ADC (RET) hbraden@eaglenet.com [08JUL98]

REUNION: "...ey all you Ex VXN-8er's, it's high time for an "enlisted" Reunion. Everytime I turn around there's another former VXN-8er popping up. Some are still in (the Navy), some never left NAS Patuxent River, Maryland and others are coming back! Any takers?...Pall B. Arnason arnasonpb@navair.navy.mil..." [03APR2003]


REUNION: "...VX-1 "Pioneers" Reunion - NAS Patuxent River, Maryland - Thu 09 - Sat 11 Oct 2003 (Columbus Day Weekend). For more info, contact: CDR Bruce "Buck" Toth USN (ret) bjtoth@mindspring.com or CDR Rick Scudder USN scudder.richard@hq.navy.mil..." [07NOV2002]


REUNION: "...VPB-114, VPW-3, VPM-3, VP-HL-3, VX-4, VP-23, VJ-2 and VW-4, Oct 12-15, 2005, Pensacola, FL. Contact: HURRICANE HUNTERS, 2818 Cedarcrewst Dr., Orange Park, FL 32073 (904)264-6078...Wings Of Gold - Winter 2004/05 Magazine - Page 57..." WebSite: Association of Naval Aviation http://www.anahq.org/ [15APR2005]

REUNION: "...VW-2 / VX-4 Reunion - Ramada Inn, Treasure Island Florida, May 12-16 2004. Contact Walt Jones (727) 517-1407 or Woody Weidemeyer (727) 531-8184, E Mail clwdee@aol.com. Sqd Insignia lapel/hat pins and buttons of Wodin will be provided for registrants and available for sale to others as long as they last...Woody Weidemeyer clwdee@aol.com..." [02MAY2004]

REUNION: "...The 25th Reunion of VW-4 (Hurricane Hunters) and its predecessor squadrons (VPB-114/VPM3/VPW3/VPHL3/VP-23/VJ-2) and those crews of VX-4 who flew hurricanes in the PB-1W. We will meet in Pensacola, Florida from 20-24 September 2000..." Contributed by Bob Fitzsimmons granfitz@leading.net [01FEB2000]

REUNION: "...VX-4 and VW-2 Navy Hurricane Hunters, 21-23 May 99, Canton, OH. Contact R. Scruggs, 4631 Guilford Ave. NW, Canton, OH 44709. 330-493-7120; e-mail: RobScruggs@aol.com..." U. S. Naval Institute "Proceedings" - April 1999 Website: U. S. NAVY INSTITUTE [04APR99]

REUNION: "...I am Bob Fitzsimmons, and I have the honor to serve as president of an organization known as "Hurricane Hunters, Inc." We are a non-profit corporation located at 2818 Cedarcrest Drive, Orange Park, FL 32073-6512. We rewpresent all of the squadrons which had hurricane/tropical storm reconnaissance as their mission from 1943 through 1975. Those squadrons are: VPB-114; VPW-3; VPM-3; VPHL-3; VP-23; VJ-2; and VW-4. We also have in our membership fields those flight crews from VX-4 in the years 1946 to late 1951 who actually flew in any storm and were under the direction of the Naval Weather Service. This upcoming Asheville reunion in September will be our 24th. The 25th is upcoming in 2000 but the dates are not yet locked in stone. Pensacola is the place. Additional information will follow..." Contributed by Robert Fitzsimmons, Jr granfitz@leading.net [10MAR99]

REUNION: "...VX-4/VW-2: 2-5 April `98, Jacksonville, FL. Contact A.P. Stanley, 102 S. 1st Street, Lake Wales, FL 33853, (941) 676-7494..." http://www.cais.net/fra/reunions.html


REUNION: "...VX-6/VXE-6 Deep Freeze 98/99 will be our last deployment. In a joint agency agreement between the Departments of Defense, Navy, and Air Force, and the National Science Foundation, the services/tasking we currently provide will be transferred to the 109 Airlift Wing, Air National Guard, based out of Schenectady, New York. We enthusiastically invite all former "Puckered Penguins" and "Ice Pirates" to attend the disestablishment ceremony and reunion, which is presently set for 27 March, 1999. We have posted more detailed information on our web site. Come visit us at http://www.navy.mil/homepages/vxe6/..." Contributed by Gary Ivarson, CMC, VXE-6 IVARSOGM@ICEHOUSE.MUGU.NAVY.MIL [25AUG98]


REUNION: "...VX-6/VXE-6 Deep Freeze 98/99 will be our last deployment. In a joint agency agreement between the Departments of Defense, Navy, and Air Force, and the National Science Foundation, the services/tasking we currently provide will be transferred to the 109 Airlift Wing, Air National Guard, based out of Schenectady, New York. We enthusiastically invite all former "Puckered Penguins" and "Ice Pirates" to attend the disestablishment ceremony and reunion, which is presently set for 27 March, 1999. We have posted more detailed information on our web site. Come visit us at http://www.navy.mil/homepages/vxe6/..." Contributed by Gary Ivarson, CMC, VXE-6 IVARSOGM@ICEHOUSE.MUGU.NAVY.MIL [25AUG98]

REUNION: "...VX/VXE-6 3rd National Symposium/Reunion of the Old Antarctic Explorers Association (OAEA)..." Contributed by Marty Diller mgdiller@blazenetme.net [28MAR2006]

"Reunion Summary Page"