VP Officer Reunions
REUNION: "...2016 VP Officer Reunion - September 23-25, 2016, Monterey, California - WebSite: http://www.vpreunion.com/..." Contributed by SPINK, CAPTAIN Tom Retired tom.spink@att.net [23SEP2015]
REUNION: "...2014 VP Officer Reunion - November 7-9, 2014, San Diego, California - WebSite: http://www.vpreunion.com/..." Contributed by Rick Erazo admin@vpreunion.com [06JUN2014]
REUNION: "...2008 VP Officer Reunion - October 17-19, 2008, Santa Clara, California - WebSite: http://www.vpreunion.com/..." Contributed by Rick Erazo admin@vpreunion.com [25APR2008]
REUNION: "...2004 VP Officer Reunion - November 1-3, 2004, San Diego, California - WebSite: http://www.vpreunion.com/..." Contributed by CAPTAIN Del RITCHHART dritchh1@san.rr.com [01MAR2008]
REUNION: "...2000 VP Officer Reunion - November 3-5, 2000, Monterey, California - WebSite: http://www.vpreunion.com/..." Contributed by SPINK, CAPTAIN Tom Retired tom.spink@att.net [08MAY2000]
Jump To VP Officer Reunion 2000 Flyer..." [10MAY2000]
REUNION: "...1998 VP Officer Reunion - April 30 through May 1, 1998, San Diego, California. Reunion hosted by VADM Daniel Trantham Oliver, USN, Senior Active Duty VP Flag Officer in the Navy. The 1998 VP Symposium will be held Thursday, 30 April and Friday, 1 May at the Washington D.C. Please RSVP/mail payment by 21 April 1997 to: LCDR CJ Kalb OPNAV N880E1A - Rm 5B666, 2000 Navy Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20350-2000, (DSN) 223-8682, Voice: (703) 693-8682, Fax: (703) 614-7734. For additional information goto VP Officer Reunion. "Due to the size of the facilities, the attendance is limited to VP Officers who are Active duty, Reserve (TAR and SELRES), or Retired."
"Reunion Summary Page"