VP-917 Shipmates
DRISCOLL, AWCS George E. Retired gdriscol@gis.net "...Joined June 1960. Attached to VS-912. Crewed in S2Fs for two years. Eventually attached to VP-913, VP-917, VP-63Z-3, and VP-92. Qualified in all of the various versions of P2s that NAS South Weymouth, Massachusetts had. Qualified in P-3A, P-3, and P-3C. Retired in 1993 after 33.5 great years. Hello to all you old geezers who are now retired and to those still attached to VP-92..." [06JUN2000]
O'CONNOR, AX2 Thomas P. thomaso924@netzero.net "...I joined the reserves at NAS South Weymouth, Massachusetts in september of 1960 while still a senior in high school. Being in the Navy was a life long dream. I started with VS-913, an S2F squadron. In september of 1962 I was transfered to VP-917. Then in july 1963 I was reassigned to VP-915. In october of 1963 I started flying aircrew in P2V5s and was assigned to crew 7 (the Maine Crew). I flew ECM with them until may 1965. Then in june 1965 I went to NAS Pensacola, Florida as a NAVCAD. I enjoyed my time with the Navy people immensely and would still be there if it was my choice to make. I just retired from Bath Iron Works in Bath, Maine where I worked on 36 ships for the Navy. I wish everything good for all the Navy veterans..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 27SEP2005 | 31JAN99]
"VP-917 Summary Page"