VP-54 History
Circa Unknown Can you identify the Month and or Year?
A BIT OF HISTORY: VP-54 History Contributed by John Lucas john.lucas@netzero.net [21MAR2003]
A BIT OF HISTORY: VP-54 History Contributed by John Lucas john.lucas@netzero.net [21MAR2003]
A BIT OF HISTORY: VP-54 PBY BUNO: Unknown "...VP-54 (54-P-10) PBY-2 on the ground, date unknown. Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [25OCT2001]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...I have finally scanned and transcribed the contents of the VP-54/VPB-54 War Diary, as was released by R.O. "Blankie" Blankenship at one of the past Reunions. You can access it at: http://www.fortunecity.com/millenium/redwood/372/cover.htm. The diary contains a complete chronology and account of the squadron actions from 1939-1945 and includes complete muster listings of enlisted men and officers for both the 1st and 2nd tours in the Solomon Islands. Also shown is the squadron logo (scanned a lapel pin) for VP-54 - with a Black Cat riding on a bomb. There are still a couple of misspellings in the diary, but I will fix them soon. Be sure to vote for my site when you are there...Thomas Doty nocone1@ix.netcom.com..." [Link Updated 05NOV98 | 07AUG98]
A BIT OF HISTORY: VP-54 Logo Contributed by Thomas Doty nocone1@ix.netcom.com WebSite: http://www.fortunecity.com/millenium/redwood/372/cover.htm [04JAN98]
"VP-54 History Summary Page"