VP-4 Aircraft
Consolidated P2Y
AIRCRAFT: VP-11 P2Y-3 4-P-1 "...Circa 1937...Photo from National Archives and Records Administration..." [06JUN2001]
Curtiss H-16
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 Curtis H16 Contributed by Nancy Bingman nbingman@earthlink.net [28DEC2002]
"...The airplanes described as Curtiss H-16s are Douglas PD-1s, circa 1930..." Contributed by Mark Aldrich mark457@hotmail.com [13MAR2003]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 Curtis H16 "...VP-4 PD-1 patrol aircraft practicing "high level" bombing. Date is unknown - "National Archives and Records Administration"..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [19MAR2001]
"...The airplanes described as Curtiss H-16s are Douglas PD-1s, circa 1930..." Contributed by Mark Aldrich mark457@hotmail.com [13MAR2003]
Consolidated PB2Y Coronado
AIRCRAFT: VPB-4 PB2Y-5H BUNO: 7061 "...Cira July 1945..." "National Archives and Records Administration" [29OCT99]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 PB2Y-3 BUNO: X60 "...Note addition of radar dome over flight deck. Also, inboard engines had 4-bladed props. Outboards were 3-bladed as PB2Y-3...circa JUL45" Contributed by William J. Bonville bonville@q.com WebSite: http://home.cdsnet.net/~bonville/
Lockheed P2 Neptune
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P2 BUNO: 122931 "...DB8. Circa 1948. U. S. Navy Official Photograph..." [07MAY2001]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P2 BUNO: 128328 "...VP-32 NAF Naha, Okinawa, Japan...OUR NAVY 15 Oct. 1959 Page 2..."[21FEB2002]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P2 BUNO: 128352 "...Late 1957-1958..." Contributed by MELTON, PHC Mitch Retired ncsquid@aol.com [23SEP2001]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P2 BUNO: 131453 "...Circa 1957..." Contributed by MELTON, PHC Mitch Retired ncsquid@aol.com [23SEP2001]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P2 BUNO: 131462 "...YD8. Circa 1961. U. S. Navy Official Photograph..." [07MAY2001]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P2 BUNO: 131503 "...Line Drawing - P2..." Contributed by Mads Bangsų webmaster@aircraftprofiles.dk WebSite: Aircraftprofiles.dk http://www.aircraftprofiles.dk/ [20APR2006]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P2 BUNO: 131503 Contributed by Jeff Cultice WEBSITE: P2V Neptune http://p2vneptune.org
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P2 BUNO: 131503 "...VP-4 (YD 8) P2V-5 (BuNo 131503) at NAS Alameda, California, October 1966. Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [04JAN2003]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P2 BUNO: 131540 WebSite: FenceCheck http://www.fencecheck.com/forums/ [29AUG2008]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P2 BUNO: 135614 Contributed by John Lucas john.lucas@netzero.net [08MAR2001]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P2 BUNO: 141236 Contributed by Jere Brinkley jerebrinks@hotmail.com [16JAN97]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P2 BUNO: 143172 Contributed by John Lucas john.lucas@netzero.net [26DEC99]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P2 BUNO: 143178 "...Circa 1966. Flying past Diamond Head in Hawaii..." Contributed by Ken Sherman ks@jedonline.com [01AUG2000]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P2 BUNO: 144684 WebSite: FenceCheck http://www.fencecheck.com/forums/ [29AUG2008]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P2 BUNO: 145910 "...NAS Atsugi, Japan - August 27, 1965..." WebSite: GoNavy http://www.gonavy.jp/ [13SEP2009]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P2 BUNO: 148345 "...VP-4 (YD 11) SP-2H (BuNo 148345) in flight while deployed to NAF Naha, Okinawa, Japan, 15 October 1963. Photo from the Naval Historical Center..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [02AUG2001]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P2 BUNO: 148345 "...VP-4 (YD 11) SP-2H (BuNo 148345) in-flight near Okinawa, 15 October 1963. Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [18SEP2003]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P2 BUNO: 150279 "...LT Dave Bonnet (Retired), former VP-4 Shipmate, found this photo while doing some research at the Navy Historical Archives in Washington DC - BUNO: 150279 Of Patrol Squadron Four, based at NAF Naha, Okinawa, Japan flies past a Japanese Merchant ship while on patrol mission on 27 March 1963..." Contributed by Gary Myers ggaryrun@comcast.net [16APR2008]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P2 BUNO: 150279 Contributed by John Lucas JohnLucas@netzero.com [01JAN2005]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P2 BUNO: 135564 "...135564 YD-12 SP-2H VP-4 NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii undated - John Lameck Collection..." Contributed by John Lozon lozonjohn@yahoo.com [26MAR2008]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P2 BUNO: Unknown "...Circa 1951. U. S. Navy Official Photograph..." [07MAY2001]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P2 BUNO: Unknown "...VP-4 P-2V Neptunes (SC 1, SC 7 and SC 10) in formation flight. Date unknown. Photo from the Naval Historical Center..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [21MAR2001]
"...This photo was taken in June, 1955 just prior to VP-4 TransPac to NAS Iwakuni, Japan. SC-1 was flown by Cmdr Davis the Squadron Commander. My bird, Sugar Charley Seven, is in the middle and was flown by LT M. J. Norgart..." Contributed by WEST, AO2 Ron ronfran7@verizon.net [20MAR2010]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P2 BUNO: Unknown "...SC-2, VP-4, on patrol in the Pacific Circa 1953...(Ronald Hart Collection)..." Contributed by HART, Ronald hartron@comcast.net [18FEB2003]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P2 BUNO: Unknown "...SC-8, VP-4, on patrol in the Pacific Circa 1953...(Ronald Hart Collection)..." Contributed by HART, Ronald hartron@comcast.net [11FEB2003]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P2 BUNO: Unknown "...VP-4 P2V SC-4 at NAS Midway Island Circa 1952...(Ronald Hart Collection)..." Contributed by HART, Ronald hartron@comcast.net [01FEB2003]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P2 BUNO: Unknown "...P2V-2's flying over Alaska in 1948..." Contributed by John Larson oriondriver1975@yahoo.com [09OCT98]
Lockheed P-3 Orion
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 151376 "...Number 5...This is group shot on the ramp at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii probably taken in the early 70's. It has a P-3A from VP-4 (BUNO: 151376) and one from VP-22 (BUNO: 152165) as well as P-2's from New Zealand and Japan..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [19OCT2000]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 151379 "...Number 4..." Contributed by John Lucas john.lucas@netzero.net [12APR2003]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 151383
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 151394 "...Number 1..." WebSite: FlickR http://www.flickr.com/ [21JUL2008]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 151394 "...Number 1...BUNO: 151394 - Official U.S. Navy Photograph..." Contributed by Don Scott and forwarded by Gary Verver gverver@earthlink.net [12NOV2005]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 151394 "...Number 1...VP-4 (YD 1) P-3A (BuNo 151394) in-flight, date unknown. Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [21SEP2003]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 152167 "...Number 10...VP-4 (YD 10) P-3A (BuNo 152167) is escorted by a VF-151 F-4B Phantom during Operation Goldilocks, September 1969. Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [03OCT2002]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 152187 "...Number 1...January 15, 1969 NAS Atsugi, Japan..." Contributed by Masaaki Hayakawa mach3@yk.netlaputa.ne.jp WebSite: http://www.netlaputa.ne.jp/~mach3/ [13MAY2001]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 153432 "...Number 5...VP-4 BUNO: 153432 and VP-90 BUNO: 153423..." Contributed by John Larson LCDR(RET) oriondriver1975@yahoo.com [04APR98]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 153432 "...Number 3...May 16, 1972 NAS Atsugi, Japan..." Contributed by Masaaki Hayakawa mach3@yk.netlaputa.ne.jp WebSite: http://www.netlaputa.ne.jp/~mach3/ [13MAY2001]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 153433 "...Number 4...Currently the a/c is a NADEP Jax being overhauled to become a TAP-3 a/c for the RAAF" Contributed by Ernie Fillipucci AO1 (AW) RET afillipucci@bellsouth.net [19DEC97]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 153433 "...Number 4...VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 153433 over Hanauma Bay, in late 70's paint..." Contributed by Peter Lindberg plindberg@surfnetusa.com [22SEP2000]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 153433 "...Number 4...VP-4 (YD 4) P-3B (BuNo 153433) in-flight near MCAS/NAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, 6 April 1979. Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [16MAR2002]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 153433 "...Number 4...Received from the Naval Institute Press...Taken off the coast of Hawaii..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [22NOV2000]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 153434 "...Number 3...YD-3...Currently the a/c is at NAVDEP NAS Jacksonville, Florida going to the RAAF..." Contributed by John Larson LCDR (RET) oriondriver1975@yahoo.com [25MAY98]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 153435 "...VP-4 P-3B (BuNo 153435) at NAS Cubi Point, RP, August 1975. Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [16MAR2002]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 153444 "...Number 4..." WebSite: GoNavy http://www.gonavy.jp/ [02SEP2009]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 153445 "...NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii about 1975 by Shipmates..." Contributed by Lee Livingston livingroad67@sbcglobal.net [17OCT2010]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 153452 "...Circa 1980..." Contributed by Keith Snyder cougar_1967@verizon.net [11SEP2010]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 153458 "...NAS Barbers Point, Oahu, Hawaii, USA - March-1982..." WebSite: PlanePictures http://www.planepictures.net/ [07APR2010]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 154574 and 153433 "...Number 4 and 9...VP-4 P-3B's YD-9 (BuNo 154574) and YD-4 (BuNo 153433) at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii, May 1981. Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [16MAR2002]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 154581 "...Number 3...CPW-2 Aircraft: BUNO: 153429 P-3B VP-17 ZE-x, BUNO: 154581 P-3B VP-4 YD-3, BUNO: 154590 P-3B VP-6 PC-x, BUNO: 154594 P-3B VP-22 QA-4, BUNO: 154599 P-3B VP-1 YB-5 - Official U.S. Navy Photograph..." Contributed by Don Scott and forwarded by Gary Verver gverver@earthlink.net [12NOV2005]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 154603 "...154603 VP-4 1983..." Contributed by Keith Snyder cougar_1967@verizon.net [16SEP2010]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 157329 "...Number 47...VP-4 aircraft off the coast of Hawaii. I'm not exactly sure which island it is but it could be Oahu..." Contributed by PHC Mahlon Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [22MAR2000]
"...I was looking through the Unknown P-3 pictures. Thought I send in a little identity for some of them. AM1(AW) Jeff Frey p3superb@aol.com..." [08APR2004]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 158915 "...NAS Atsugi, Japan - March 28, 2007..." WebSite: GoNavy http://www.gonavy.jp/ [11SEP2009]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 160610 "...Number 610...160610..." Contributed by STRINGER, AW1(AW) Kenneth W. ken.stringer@outlook.com [22MAY2005]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 161334 "...Number 334...P-3C PZ-334 at NAF Andrews, Maryland on 12 July 2003 by Stephen Miller..." Contributed by Stephen Miller f134kilmil@comcast.net [27DEC2006]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 161338 "...Number 338...161338..." Contributed by STRINGER, AW1(AW) Kenneth W. ken.stringer@outlook.com [22MAY2005]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 161587 WebSite: Offical Navy VP-4 http://www.vp4.navy.mil/ [06JUN2010]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 161587 "...Number 587...VP-4 (YD 771) P-3C (BuNo unknown) on the runway at MCAS/NAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, date unknown. Photo by PH1 Tony Casullo. Photo from the Defense Visual Information Center http://www.dodmedia.osd.mil/dvic/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [28JUN2001]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 161587 "...Number 587...Our skippers bird. This is about 5 days after we finished all the painting on the tail and the nose. It took us approximately 4 nights total, with one night equaling two shifts, to paint it all..." Contributed by AMS3 Mike Lawrence bship69@cchono.com [07MAR2000]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 161587 "...Number 587...Our skippers bird..." Contributed by Allen Bowman animallee@yahoo.com [03FEB2000]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 161764 "...Number 764...161764..." Contributed by STRINGER, AW1(AW) Kenneth W. ken.stringer@outlook.com [22MAY2005]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 162771 "...Number 771...VP-4 (YD 587) P-3C (BuNo unknown) inflight over MCAS/NAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, date unknown. Photo by PH1 Tony Casullo. Photo from the Defense Visual Information Center http://www.dodmedia.osd.mil/dvic/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [28JUN2001]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: 163294 "...Number 294...163294..." Contributed by STRINGER, AW1(AW) Kenneth W. ken.stringer@outlook.com [22MAY2005]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: XXXXX1 "...Number 1..." [21MAY2006]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: XXXXX4 "...Number 4...April 16, 1969 NAS Atsugi, Japan..." Contributed by Masaaki Hayakawa mach3@yk.netlaputa.ne.jp WebSite: http://www.netlaputa.ne.jp/~mach3/ [13MAY2001]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: XXXX42 "...Number 42...VP-4 (YD 42) P-3C (BuNo unknown) on the ramp at NAS Misawa, Japan. Photo by PH2 Bruce Trombecky circa 1993. Photo from the Defense Visual Information Center http://www.dodmedia.osd.mil/dvic/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [19MAY2001]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: XXXX47 "...Number 47...VP-4 aircraft flying over a US sub. Notice that the bomb bays are opened up!..." Contributed by PHC Mahlon Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [22MAR2000]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: XXXX47 "...Number 47..." Contributed by John Lucas john.lucas@netzero.net [12APR2003]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: XXX225 "...Number 225 - A P-3C Orion aircraft assigned to Patrol Squadron Four (VP) 4 takes off from Marine Corps Base Hawaii to conduct a maverick missile strike exercise mission on a target at sea during Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2012. Twenty-two nations, more than 40 ships and submarines, more than 200 aircraft and 25,000 personnel are participating in the biennial RIMPAC exercise from June 29 to Aug. 3. The world's largest international maritime exercise, RIMPAC provides a unique training opportunity that helps participants foster and sustain the cooperative relationships that are critical to ensuring the safety of sea lanes and security on the world's oceans. RIMPAC 2012 is the 23rd exercise in the series that began in 1971. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Keith W. DeVinney/Released) ..." WebSite: NavyNews http://www.navy.mil/ [07AUG2012]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: XXX225 "...Number 225 - A P-3C Orion aircraft assigned to Patrol Squadron Four (VP) 4 takes off from Marine Corps Base Hawaii to conduct a maverick missile strike exercise mission on a target at sea during Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2012. Twenty-two nations, more than 40 ships and submarines, more than 200 aircraft and 25,000 personnel are participating in the biennial RIMPAC exercise from June 29 to Aug. 3. The world's largest international maritime exercise, RIMPAC provides a unique training opportunity that helps participants foster and sustain the cooperative relationships that are critical to ensuring the safety of sea lanes and security on the world's oceans. RIMPAC 2012 is the 23rd exercise in the series that began in 1971. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Keith W. DeVinney/Released)..." WebSite: NavyNews http://www.navy.mil/ [07AUG2012]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: XXX287 "...Number 287 - 130429-N-AL293-001 SIGONELLA, Sicily (April 29, 2013) - Aviation Structural Mechanic 3rd Class Ana Gonzalez, assigned to Patrol Squadron (VP) 4, signals to the pilots of a P-3C Orion as the plane taxis after participating in a search and rescue mission off the coast of Greece. VP-4 is on a scheduled deployment supporting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the 6th Fleet area of responsibility. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Apprentice Devin Menhardt/Released)..." WebSite: NAVY.MIL http://www.navy.mil/ [20MAY2013]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: XXX331 "...150612-N-AL293-027 KANEOHE BAY, Hawaii (June 12, 2015) - P-3C Orion aircraft attached to Patrol Squadron (VP) 4 takes off from Marine Corps Base Hawaii Kaneohe Bay to conduct anti-submarine warfare qualifications in support of their inter-deployment readiness cycle. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Devin Menhardt/Released)..." WebSite: NavyMil http://www.navy.mil/ [07OCT2015]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: XXX373 "...Number 373...Circa 14JUL2006..." WebSite: FenceCheck http://www.fencecheck.com/forums/ [04SEP2008]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: XXX774 "...Number 774...NAF Misawa, Japan - April 13, 1996..." WebSite: GoNavy http://www.gonavy.jp/ [04SEP2009]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: XXX775 "...MEDITERRANEAN SEA (Nov. 15, 2014) A U.S. Navy P-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft from to the Skinny Dragons of Patrol Squadron (VP) 4 conducts a fly-by with the guided-missile destroyer USS Cole (DDG 67). Cole is conducting naval operations in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of responsibility in support of U.S. national security interests in Europe. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communications Specialist 2nd Class John Herman/Released)..." WebSite: NAVY.MIL http://www.navy.mil/ [23NOV2014]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: Unknown "...NAS Adak, Alaska during PACEX 1989..." Contributed by BARKOW, AW2 Dan danbarkow@cableone.net [24SEP2008]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: Unknown "...Camp Justice, Operation Enduring Freedom (Mar. 19, 2002) -- A U.S. Navy P-3C "Orion" from Patrol Squadron Four (VP-4) sits on the flight line of a forward deployed base, awaiting its next mission with the war on terror. U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 1st Class Arlo Abrahamson. Photo from the US Navy News Stand http://www.news.navy.mil/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [23FEB2003]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: Unknown "...VP-4 (YD 771) P-3C (BuNo unknown) seen head-on after taking off from NAS North Island, San Diego, California, 30 January 2003. Photographed by Mahlon Miller..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [01FEB2003]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: Unknown "...VP-4 P-3C(BuNo unknown) in-flight over MCAS/NAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, date unknown. Photo by PH1 Tony Casullo. Photo from the Defense Visual Information Center http://www.dodmedia.osd.mil/dvic/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [28JUN2001]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: Unknown "...Engine change YD-4X in_Oman..." Contributed by Chad Derrington chadx.derrington@intel.com [16SEP99]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: Unknown "...YD-42 Oman Flight Line January 1991..." Contributed by Chad Derrington chadx.derrington@intel.com [16SEP99]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: Unknown "...B-52 over YD-42 Diego Garcia 1991..." Contributed by Chad Derrington chadx.derrington@intel.com [16SEP99]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: Unknown "...A U.S. Navy P-3 Orion from the Skinny Dragons of Patrol Squadron 4 leads a Japanese P-3 in flight over a bilateral force of U.S. and Japanese ships. The ships in formation are: USS Key West SSN 722, USS Vandergrift FFG 48, USS California CGN 36, USS Chancellorsville CG 62, USS Port Royal CG 73, JDS Kirishima DDG 174, JDS Shirane DDH 143, JDS Murasame DD 101, JDS Harusame DD 102, and JDS Towada AOE 422. The operations are part of RIMPAC '98. RIMPAC '98 is designed to enhance the tactical capabilities of participating units in major aspects of maritime operations at sea. RIMPAC '98 is the sixteenth in a series of Pacific naval exercises. DoD photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Spike Call..." Contributed by PHC Mahlon Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [22MAR2000]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: Unknown "...VP-4 aircraft on the flightline at Barbers Point back in 1996. It gives you a pretty good idea of the weapons that the aircraft can carry..." Contributed by PHC Mahlon Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [22MAR2000]
AIRCRAFT: VP-4 P-3 BUNO: Unknown "...Circa 1981 at the AIMD hangar where our squadron was located temporarily in 80'-81'..." Contributed by Mike Thornton eastsouth@iswt.com [11APR2000]
"VP-4 Summary Page"