VP-21 Reunions
REUNIONs: "...VP-21/VPB-111 Veterans Association will hold its next Reunion May 7-9, 2007 at Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Please jump over to http://www.vp-21navy.org for further details..." Contributed by NELSON, CAPTAIN Bob Retired sudabay@aol.com [02SEP2006]
SEE: VPB-111/VP-21 Veteran's Association Summary Page [Updated 27OCT2006]
REUNIONs: "...The next Reunion for the VPB-111 and VP-21 Veterans Association will take place in Portland, ME on May 23 - 25, 2005. Contact person is Bill Locke reunion@vp-21.org. Also find Reunion details on http://www.vp-21navy.org...Bill Locke reunion@vp-21.org..." [19JUL2004]
SEE: VPB-111/VP-21 Veteran's Association Summary Page [Updated 27OCT2006]
REUNIONs: "...VETERANS ASSOCIATION (VPB-111/VP-21): 22-24 Oct '01, Virginia Beach, VA. Contact Warren Massey, 1133 Burlington Rd, Virginia Beach, VA 23464, (804) 495-0789..." http://www.fra.org/reunions/ [03JUN2001]
REUNIONs: "...A small group of Shipmates from VP-21 are planning a mini-Reunion in New Ulm Minnesota July 21-23, 2000. If anyone is interested in joining us make reservations ASAP at Jackpot Junction Hotel under VP-21. The phone number is 1-800-946-2274. Shipmates already registered are Al Vaughn, Bill Fitzgerald, Marlyn Anderson, Chuck Neihoff, and Ron Hoffmann. If anyone can make it drop me a line...Ron Hoffmann ronhoff@execpc.com..." [25APR2000]
REUNIONs: "...Someone was asking about VP-21 Reunions of which I just returned from one in Brunswick, ME. We have them on every 2 years on odd years. The next one is scheduled for Virginia Beach, VA in 2001. The one we just had in Brunswick was a blast. Some of the guys I hadn't seen since 1957. Thanks Norm you did a great job. If anyone is looking for someone from VP-21, I have a list with over 1200 names dating back to the 40's..." Contributed by AOC John Carvitto, Retired JCARVI5910@JUNO.COM [08OCT99]
REUNIONs: "...San Francisco 20-24 May 1999 for PB4Y '99. Liberator and Privateer guys/gals, attend your own squadron reunion first. If you can't do that, then make good use of your limited time as many others have from the 50+ PB4Y squadrons and share those PB4Y Experiences with others who "speak" PB4Y. No translation necessary! All family, grandkids (Free & 1/2 price!) and friends are welcome! Please contact Ron Sathre (son of deceased Plane Captain Ray Sathre, VPB-121), Int'l PB4Y Association, 31262 San Andreas Drive, Union City, CA 94587-2856 (510) 487-PB4Y to register today. Visit the website for more information..." Contributed by PB4YGuy@aol.com WebSite: http://www.PB4Y.com [03MAY99]
REUNIONs: "...VPB-21 (WW II Squadron) celebrating 55th anniversary in April 1999 in Philadelphia (Mt. Laurel NJ). Contact Don Sweet at sweetusn@aol.com or PO Box 532, Midland Park, NJ 07432..." [01NOV98]
REUNIONs: "...15SEP99--The next VPB-111/VP-21 Reunion will be held in Brunswick, ME from 15-19 September 1999. Several activities are being planned including a Casco Bay Dinner Cruise, Golf, an NASB and squadron tour, Freeport (L.L. Bean) shopping, an old fashioned New England Clam Bake, dedication of a memorial plaque to fallen squadron members, and a dinner banquet. More information will be provided as it becomes available. Start making your plans for our 1999 homecoming Reunion..." Contributed by William J. Locke blocke@clinic.net [01AUG98]
REUNIONs: "...03SEP97--VPB-111 (WW-II)/ VP-21 (1948-1969) on 3-6 September `97 at Knoxville, TN Contact W. Ross Conners 2020 Ranch Road Dandridge, TN 37725 Phone (423)397-6258 Source FRA Web Site" http://www.teleport.com/~jgriffin/newdata.htm
"...Sure sorry that there were only three of us at the reunion who served in VP-21 during the time I was there(65-67). All of you vp-21 folks missed a good time in Tenn. See you in Maine in 1999. Like to hear from any of you..." Charles Blair AEC conbrinol@msn.com
"VP-21 Summary Page"