VP-21 Patches
LOGOs: VP-21 Patch "...Salty embroidered on twill VPB-111 patrol bombing squadron patch and Name Tag: Ensign W. A. Hooper..." WebSite: EBay http://www.ebay.com/ [09JAN2010]
LOGOs: VP-21 Patch Contributed by Michael Varga mikey1010@msn.com [02JUN2009]
LOGOs: VP-21 Patch "...Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [09APR2002]
LOGOs: VP-21 Patch "...As far as I know the time frame was from the summer of 1950 until they got the P2V's..." Contributed by George J. Ruch (RED) ADRC USN RET SANDIA4706@AOL.com [21MAR98]
LOGOs: VP-21 Patch ...VP Logo Contributed via "Title: Lockheed P2V Neptune An Illustrated History by Wayne Mutza wmutza@wi.rr.com...A Schiffer Military History Book...ISBN: 0-7643-0151-9...286 pages full of pictures and history!
LOGOs: Contributed by Ralph Fink Wisowl31@aol.com
"...about ten years ago I'm at a Marshall Fields store here in Milwaukee and they are selling distressed leather jackets. I take a look, and there on the left breast is the squadrons patch VP-21 Blackjacks, the cards, etc. etc..." Contributed by Dan Dwyer DPDDelta@Worldnet.att.net OR DDwyer@MBCO.com [02JAN98]
LOGOs: VP-21 Patch Contributed by William T. Larkins wtl@ccnet.com [11SEP98] U.S. Navy Aircraft 1921-1941, U.S. Marine Corps Aircraft 1914-1959: Two Classics in One Volume [Appendix D Squadron Insignia] by William T. Larkins "...Patrol Squadron Twenty-One, although based at Seattle, extended its operation area to Alaska. Thick forests of these Sitka Spruce trees grow along the coast from Kodiak Island, Alaska, to California. The tree also has an important aviation background as the most important wood used during World War I to manufacture aircraft. Colors; Green tree on white field; black circle. VP-21 to VP-14..." [11SEP98]
LOGOs: VP-21 Patch Contributed by Al Mark catdrg1@netscape.net via "Squiz" squiz@mail.newnanutilities.org [23MAY99]
LOGOs: VP-21 Patch Contributed by Mick Nussbaum (Insignia Historian) T45_nditech@yahoo.com [02JUL99]
LOGOs: VP-21 Patch Contributed by Al Mark catdrg1@netscape.net via "Squiz" squiz@mail.newnanutilities.org [23MAY99]
"VP-21 Summary Page"