VP-21 Crew
Crew 1
CREWs: VPB-21 Crews 1-6 "...Seaplane Tender USS Chandeleur (AV-10) 1942-1945 Cruisebook..." Contributed by Tom Suglio TSuglio@aol.com [24AUG2001]
CREWs: VP-21 Crew 1 "...1960 at NAS Sigonella, Sicily..." Contributed by Frank Balogh airmail7@vp-21.org [21MAY2001]
CREWs: VP-21 CAC-1 "...Circa 1964...Standing L to R: Unknown, CDR C. R. Robertson, Unknown, and LTjg Pat Schnauffer. Kneeling Left to Right: Ken Garvin AO2, Mike Weinapple AT2, Godby ATC, Barney Cable AD2, Robert Donahue AE2, Dale Woods AT2, and Blair Laughlin AM2..." [21MAY2001]
CREWs: VP-21 Crew 1 "...Circa 00SEP58...Adana, Turkey - September 1958 Back row: AO1 Hanson, ADC Johnson, AT1 Glick, AD3 Hicks, AT2 Butterworth, AE1 Harms, AM2 Hoffman. Front row: CDR J.T. Griffith (CO), LTJG's Bob Nelson, Paul Petersen, Terry Miller. P2V-7 Buno 143173..." Contributed by Bob Nelson, Capt. USN (ret) sudabay@aol.com Updated crew picture (same picture) Contributed by Ron Hoffmann ronhoff@execpc.com [Updated 05FEB98]
CREWs: VP-21 Crew 1 "...22JUN45 Shop 1212 A&R NAS Coco Solo, Panama, Canal Zone... E. Shepard, Orlyn Zieman, John Hock, Leonard Godlasky, Marvin Jenkinson, Glen Isor, J. C. Hutchinson, J. R. Peters, Robert Shook, and Miller..." Contributed by CWO Jack M. Bamberger jackbam@worldnet.att.net [26MAR98]
Crew 2
CREWs: VPB-21 Crews 1-6 "...Seaplane Tender USS Chandeleur (AV-10) 1942-1945 Cruisebook..." Contributed by Tom Suglio TSuglio@aol.com [24AUG2001]
CREWs: VP-21 Crew 2 "...1960 at NAS Sigonella, Sicily..." Contributed by Frank Balogh airmail7@vp-21.org [21MAY2001]
CREWs: VP-21 Crew 2 "...Malta June 14, 1954...HC-2 HMS Halfar...Jerry Rotunda, Glen H. Adkins, Daniel A. Mahaffey, Ron Lenhoff, Harry E. Meador, Fred E. Schuster, William Audia, William J. Luhen, Bill Gerber, and Norman J. Roinestad..." Contributed by Norman J. Roinestad AO1, CAC, USN RET. nroinestad@highstream.net [25NOV98]
CREWs: VP-21 Crew 2 "...Circa 1955/1956, NAS Brunswick, Maine...R-L: Unknown, Jim J. Jones, Jr., AD2, Unknown, bucky Thompson AT2, and Glen Adkins AD2..." Contributed by Norman J. Roinestad AO1, CAC, USN RET. nroinestad@highstream.net [08FEB99]
CREWs: VP-21 Crew 2 "...Circa 1955/1956, NAS Brunswick, Maine...R-L: Unknown, Norm Roinestad AO2, Jim J. Jones, Jr. AD2, Unknown, Glen Adkins AD2, and Unknown..." Contributed by Norman J. Roinestad AO1, CAC, USN RET. nroinestad@highstream.net [08FEB99]
Crew 3
CREWs: VPB-21 Crews 1-6 "...Seaplane Tender USS Chandeleur (AV-10) 1942-1945 Cruisebook..." Contributed by Tom Suglio TSuglio@aol.com [24AUG2001]
CREWs: VP-21 Crew 3 "...1960 at NAS Sigonella, Sicily..." Contributed by Frank Balogh airmail7@vp-21.org [21MAY2001]
CREWs: VP-21 CAC-3 "...VP-21 1963 deployment to NAS Sigonella, Sicily, Jan thru Jun 1963. Standing - Back Row: LTjg W. C. Ellis, LTjg M. H. Lewis, LT T. C. Betterton, and LTjg R. C. Rohr. Front Row: Przenkop ATN3, Steyne AMH2, Fredella AX2, Massey AEC, Stafford ADR2, Stotler AT2, Banda AOCA, and Jackson ADR2 ..." Contributed by STEYNE, Gene GeneSteyne@aol.com [01JUL2001]
Crew 4
CREWs: VPB-21 Crews 1-6 "...Seaplane Tender USS Chandeleur (AV-10) 1942-1945 Cruisebook..." Contributed by Tom Suglio TSuglio@aol.com [24AUG2001]
CREWs: VP-21 Crew 4 "... NAS Patuxent River, Maryland 1952 (P4M-1). L to R: Montgomery, Hunt, Benton, --ski, Wackoviack, Goodie, Walski, Wiley not shown..." Contributed by Eugene N. Wiley wilee@btconline.net [30MAY2002]
Crew 5
CREWs: VPB-21 Crews 1-6 "...Seaplane Tender USS Chandeleur (AV-10) 1942-1945 Cruisebook..." Contributed by Tom Suglio TSuglio@aol.com [24AUG2001]
Crew 6
CREWs: VPB-21 Crews 1-6 "...Seaplane Tender USS Chandeleur (AV-10) 1942-1945 Cruisebook..." Contributed by Tom Suglio TSuglio@aol.com [24AUG2001]
CREWs: VP-21 Crew 6 "...1960 at NAS Sigonella, Sicily..." Contributed by Frank Balogh airmail7@vp-21.org [21MAY2001]
Crew 7
CREWs: VPB-21 Crews 7-12 "...Seaplane Tender USS Chandeleur (AV-10) 1942-1945 Cruisebook..." Contributed by Tom Suglio TSuglio@aol.com [24AUG2001]
CREWs: VP-21 Crew 7 "...Malta-1953 Stone, Brooks, Radcliff, Ferguson, Krug..." Contributed by Eugene N. Wiley wilee@btconline.net [30MAY2002]
CREWs: VP-21 Crew 7 "...1960 at NAS Sigonella, Sicily..." Contributed by Frank Balogh airmail7@vp-21.org [21MAY2001]
Crew 8
CREWs: VPB-21 Crews 7-12 "...Seaplane Tender USS Chandeleur (AV-10) 1942-1945 Cruisebook..." Contributed by Tom Suglio TSuglio@aol.com [24AUG2001]
CREWs: VP-21 Crew 8 "...Rront Row - Left to Right: LT L. F. Hansen (died 8/2/2002), LT Robert F. O'Conner, LTjg John E. Melkerson, and ENS C. C. Nute. Left to Right - Back Row: AE3 Harper, AN Ron Novay Second Mech, AT Jones, AE3 Prigge, AT3 Jerry Preston, AO1 Richard Steward, ATR3 Mike Weatherington, ATR2 William Rule 1st. Tech, ADR2 Larry Jackson Plane Captain..." Contributed by Larry Jackson thechickenpieman@infionline.net [23SEP2003]
Crew 9
CREWs: VPB-21 Crews 7-12 "...Seaplane Tender USS Chandeleur (AV-10) 1942-1945 Cruisebook..." Contributed by Tom Suglio TSuglio@aol.com [24AUG2001]
CREWs: VP-21 Crew 9 "...Fall of 1953 at Palma de Majorca crew members as listed: Standing from l. to r.--Gene Wiley, 2nd Ord.; George Schlapo, Radar; Winfield Whitcomb, 1st Radio; Robert Hall, 1st Ord.; Bob Sylvain, 2nd radio; Charles (Ozzie) Osborne, 2nd Mech.; Bob Braswell, Plane Capt. Seated l to r-Ltjg. Johnson, Nav.; Ensign Smith (Smitty) 4th Officer; Ltjg. Lee (Dutch) Royal, Co Pilot; Ltcmdr. Dave (Dad) Saunders, Pilot..." Contributed by Eugene N. Wiley wilee@btconline.net [01JUN2002]
Crew 10
CREWs: VPB-21 Crews 7-12 "...Seaplane Tender USS Chandeleur (AV-10) 1942-1945 Cruisebook..." Contributed by Tom Suglio TSuglio@aol.com [24AUG2001]
CREWs: VP-21 Crew 10 "...Catania, Sicily-1954 names: Standing l to r.are Montgomery, unk.,unk, Icavone, Sediva, Wiley---Kneeling l to r are unk., Sheehan, Bill Mason..." Contributed by Eugene N. Wiley wilee@btconline.net [30MAY2002]
CREWs: VP-21 Crew 10 "... NAS Patuxent River, Maryland 1954 (P2V-6). Standing l to r-Nav. Bud Baber, Pilot Bill Mason, Co-Pilot Dutch Royal kneeling: Al Sheehan , Gene Wiley-1st Ord, Joe Erny-Tech, J.A. Icavone-Ist Radio, H.E. Johnson-Plane Capt., Steve Sullivan-2nd Ord..." Contributed by Eugene N. Wiley wilee@btconline.net [30MAY2002]
CREWs: VP-21 Crew 10 "...1960 at NAS Sigonella, Sicily..." Contributed by Frank Balogh airmail7@vp-21.org [21MAY2001]
CREWs: VP-21 CAC-10 "...Circa 1963 NAS Sigonella, Sicily - I was attached to 21 from Aug1962 until Dec65. I flew with Crew 10 as 2nd Ord. Standing, back row: LTjg C. L. Norman and LT R. M. Burris, LTjg C. H. Conley. Front row: Williamson AT2, Pool AE1, Restieri ATS3, Anderson AO2, Smith ADR1, Wright AMS2, Moore ATN3, and Farrell ADJ3..." Contributed by AMSC Wesley Wright airmail10@juno.com [19JUL2001]
CREWs: VP-21 Crew 10 "...Circa 1945...This photo was taken perhaps at NAS Banana River, Florida, Key West, NAS Corpus Christi, Texas. These are areas he is believed to have served in. In January 1945, he was ordered to VP-21 in the Pacific serving with crew 10R. John Valentine was his pilot. It was with that crew that his plane went down in June 18, 1945 and he was declared MIA. John Valentine, the pilot who survived the crash, says this picture is of a different crew probably Atlantic service..." Contributed by Chris Colby c/o nephew skydog45acp@yahoo.com [16AUG99]
Crew 11
CREWs: VPB-21 Crews 7-12 "...Seaplane Tender USS Chandeleur (AV-10) 1942-1945 Cruisebook..." Contributed by Tom Suglio TSuglio@aol.com [24AUG2001]
Crew 12
CREWs: VPB-21 Crews 7-12 "...Seaplane Tender USS Chandeleur (AV-10) 1942-1945 Cruisebook..." Contributed by Tom Suglio TSuglio@aol.com [24AUG2001]
Crew 14
CREWs: VPB-21 Crews 14-19 "...Seaplane Tender USS Chandeleur (AV-10) 1942-1945 Cruisebook..." Contributed by Tom Suglio TSuglio@aol.com [24AUG2001]
LOGOs: VP-21 CAC-14 Logo "...Here is the crew patch fro VP-21, Combat Air Crew 14. We were also known as the Kiddie Kart Krew due to the fact that all four of our officers we LTJG's. The pilot was LTGJ Dave Graham, I can't remember the co-pilots name, the navigator was LTJG Steve Keith, and the TACCO was LTJG Barry Post. Other crew members were: Plane Captain Willie Sherborne, Accoustics Operator Carl Trippett and later Fritz Miller, Julie/ECM Thom McCaughey, MAD/Flight Tech Bob Amburgy, Radio Lou Spicuzza, Ordnance Dave Franz (or Franzen - can't exactly remember which) and I also can't recall the name of the Second Mech. We were together from January, 1969 until the squadron decomissioned in November 1969. Sorry for the names I misspelled or forgot but it's been a long time..." Contributed by Thom McCaughey thom.mac@verizon.net [03FEB98]
CREWs: VP-21 Crew 14 "...Circa 1944...Crew 14 at Kossol Passage, Palau Islands, November 1944: Top row: R. Garrison, W. Mehlmauer, J. Durda, E. Orsak, H. Gardner; Middle row: W. Heines, J. Looney, R. Sychoski, F. Thompson; Bottom row: D. Sweet, A. Davis, C. Ray...from "The Sailor Aviators" a book about PBM's in WWII by Don Sweet SweetUsn@aol.com
Crew 15
CREWs: VPB-21 Crews 14-19 "...Seaplane Tender USS Chandeleur (AV-10) 1942-1945 Cruisebook..." Contributed by Tom Suglio TSuglio@aol.com [24AUG2001]
Crew 16
CREWs: VPB-21 Crews 14-19 "...Seaplane Tender USS Chandeleur (AV-10) 1942-1945 Cruisebook..." Contributed by Tom Suglio TSuglio@aol.com [24AUG2001]
Crew 17
CREWs: VPB-21 Crews 14-19 "...Seaplane Tender USS Chandeleur (AV-10) 1942-1945 Cruisebook..." Contributed by Tom Suglio TSuglio@aol.com [24AUG2001]
Crew 18
CREWs: VPB-21 Crews 14-19 "...Seaplane Tender USS Chandeleur (AV-10) 1942-1945 Cruisebook..." Contributed by Tom Suglio TSuglio@aol.com [24AUG2001]
Crew 19
CREWs: VPB-21 Crews 14-19 "...Seaplane Tender USS Chandeleur (AV-10) 1942-1945 Cruisebook..." Contributed by Tom Suglio TSuglio@aol.com [24AUG2001]
Crew Unknown
CREWs: VP-21 Crew Unknown "...VP-21 (On or around 1967/68) - NAS Brunswick, Maine - BACK ROW-LEFT TO RIGHT: Chief Krostag (Plane Captain), LCDR Eller (TACO), LT(jg) Hendrickson (Co-Pilot), LCDR Jessen (Pilot) and LT(jg) Hill (Navagitor). FRONT ROW-LEFT TO RIGHT: AW2 Roger Jurack, AT2 Mike Gibbs, AW2 Ken Lange, ADR2 Clint Miller, AO2 Steve Haller and AW2 Joe Nixon..." Contributed by Joe Nixon jandjnixon@comcast.net [19APR2017]
"VP-21 Summary Page"