VPNAVY VP-5 P2 BUNO: 128358
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VP AircraftVH-2 AircraftVP Aircraft

Consolidated PBY Catalina

VP AircraftAIRCRAFT: PBY ThumbnailCameraVH-2 PBY BUNO: 44245 "...This is a picture of the plane that I flew in during WWII. The BUNO was 44245, a PB2B2, made by Boeing of Canada. I was a S1/C AMM, and flew as flight engineer with crew #7. Our first pilot was a LT E. A. Arnold. The plane was named "Navy Wife" although it does not show up in this photograph. We put so many hours of operation on the engines that after flying the planes back as far as MCAS/NAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii we had to leave the planes there, and return to the States via a ship. Our CO was C. A. Keller (Annapolis Man). The XO was LCDR H. A. Wells..." Contributed by WOOD, Maurice moewood36@hotmail.com [01APR2003]

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