VP-5 Squadron Shipmates
VPNAVY Address

ShipmateFASRON-111 ShipmatesShipmate

BRISSON, MR2 Gerald "Jerry" jbbris@hotmail.com "...I served with FASRON-111 from November 1957 to November 1959 in the Machine Shop in the main hanger. I arrived as a fireman and left as a MR2. I worked for Glen Lawson MR1..." [18JUN2008]

BROWN, AN William R. WRB39Thunderfoot@aol.com "...I served with FASRON-111 from March 1959 till they decommisioned. Served with N.O.B. till April 1961. Was in motor pool fueling aircraft. Would Like to hear from any other Shipmates that remember me..." [18MAY2002]

CANTRELL, AT3 Preston P. pcantrell2@sc.rr.com "...I served with FASRON-111 at NAS Bermuda from 1955 to 1957. I worked Avionics and flew as radio operator on the PBM and UF-1. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [22MAR2011]

CARPENTER, Ed ecarpenter516@yahoo.com "...I served with ATU-206 at NAS Pensacola, Florida (Forrest Sherman Field) in 1957, FASRON-111 from January 1960 to January 1962 (worked for AMSC T. W. Butler), FASRON became AMD, NOB Bermuda in April 1960, NAS Jacksonville, Florida in 1962, VP-46 in March 1965 and VP-31 to FE School. I flew with Crew 4 as Second Mech to ADJC Jerry Logan and with CDR Balch's Crew 12. I made part of 1965 NS Sangley Point, Philippines deployment, all of NAF Naha, Okinawa, Japan deployment, split between NS Sangley Point, Philippines, NAF Naha, Okinawa, Japan and Utapao and NAS Adak, Alaska deployment in 1969. My next assignment was with VP-31 as an FE Instructor in late 1970, NAS Bermuda AIMD as a P-3 FE in November 1972 thru December 1975 and retired in September 1977 from the Naval Air Integrated Logistic Support Center (NAILSC) / Naval Ammunition Logistics Center (NALC). I would like to hear from anybody that remembers me from any of the outfits I was in. I am in contact with Ben Prall, Howell Barton Hill, Philip Harbin and Gary Nickells, all old Shipmates from VP-46 and Ed Sanderson from AIMD NAS Bermuda..." [E-Mail Updated 10NOV2012 | E-Mail Updated 21OCT2009 | E-Mail Updated 05MAR2005 | 19JAN2002]

CRIST, Thomas R. cristtr@aol.com "...I served with FASRON-111, NAS Bermuda, latter part of 58-60. Does anyone remember when the Bermudiana Hotel burnt down? I think it was over on North Shore Rd. It lit the whole island up!!! We had one Albatross flying boat......a good ship------! Does anyone remember when LTCD Corey made full CDR.? That was truley a fun day!!!!!!! He had to carry is new scarmbled egg hat around all day in a big box, tied around his neck!!!!!! The box read; I am a boot cammander!..." [23DEC2001]

HALEY, AM3 Ronald "Red" rj_haley@verizon.net "...I served with FASRON-111 and roomed with Jerry Brisson and Dave Smith. I worked in the Machine Shop with Rey Davis, Chief Bolton, Nick Calabrese, Gerry Lawson and Simmineo. I went on UF Flight Crew in 1959..." [08MAR2013]

HARRINGTON, AD2 Jose F. sweetcaroline2@earthlink.net "...I was in FASRON-111 1953-1954. Exchanged duty to VP-49 air crew. Became air crew 4 Boat thru 1959. Made emergency landing in Cape Fear River, Wilmington, N.C. on October 24, 1956. Member of Navy Ruger team, the Navy Blue Devils, 1954 -1956. Anybody out there with pictures or information about this squadron, contact me..." [19JUL2001]

HAYNES, Bill wahaynes@comcast.net "...I was in Naval Aviation from 1955 to 1959 and spent two years at NAS Bermuda flying as aircrew with VP-45 and VP-49. I was assigned to FASRON-111 which supported the two patrol squadrons and I flew with them, also. PBM, P5M, UF-1 aircraft. I have many photographs of aircraft, activities and the naval station I would be happy to share. Would also like to contact FASRON-111 folks who were stationed there at the time..." [13DEC2004]

HELDERLEIN, Gary swisscheese@toast.net "...I saw the comment and photo from FASRON-111 on this site. I served FASRON-111 from 1959 thru its disestablishment. It was nice to read some comments and see a photo of CDR Cory before getting his dunking in the sound of Bermuda on the day he was promoted to CDR. All FASRON or VP-45 and VP-49 member of that vintage are encouraged to drop me a note. Thanks for the opportunity to recall some old memories..." [E-Mail Updated 14JUN2006 | 29OCT2003]

MILBRATH, David goldengoose1938@yahoo.com "...I served with FASRON-111 (1956-1958). I served in the machine shop as a machinery repairman and worked with Richard Gibbins. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [E-Mail Updated 16NOV2011 | 22JUL2004]

IZZO, PN3 Vincent A. popiz33@yahoo.com "...I served with FASRON-795 which was redsignated FASRON-111 (11/1951-06/1953) at NAS BERMUDANAS Bermuda and then the USS Bristol (DD-857) (06/1953-06/1955)..." [BIO Updated 02SEP2014 | 11APR2009]

PRITCHARD, AT1 Karl karlp@embarqmail.com "...I served with FASRON-111 from May 1958 to July 1960. Worked in the AT shop as AT3 and AT2. I have a copy of our 1958-1959 yearbook called "The Cruise." Names, photos, even ads from the Bermuda civilian world. I served in VAW-13 starting in NAS North Island, San Diego, California, before the main squadron came to NAS Alameda, California from NAS Agana, Guam. I worked as AT2 and AT1 in the Avionics Shop, under Chief Blum. I flew as aircrewman in the AD5Q and TF-1Q. I went on the first detachment to the Phllipines - "Det 1", and from there on the first det to Vietnam - "Det West," also known as "Skelton's Screwy Scramblers." We had PRI-1 for ordering parts from 'Nam, and it was nice to order a part today and have it flown all the way from NAS Alameda, California, arriving the next day. I remember when we lost Wagley, Weaver, Marron and Poore in a crash in the Phillipines, and when Vidarte went in off NAS Cubi Point, Philippines..." On my return CONUS I was transferredred to the E-2 Hawkeye program, and served in NMC Point Pugu, was a plank-owner of VAW-124, served in the RAG RVAW-120, and introduced the E2C to VAW-121, where I retired..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 18SEP2007 | E-Mail Updated 02JUL2005 | BIO Updated 29DEC2004 | E-Mail Updated 30APR2004 | 10AUG2003]

PYLES, Lloyd "Ernie" carpetbagger1936@aol.com "...I served with FASRON-111 (09/1956-06/1958) in the Engine Buildup Crew and Prop Shop. I would like to hear from former Shipmates..." [01NOV2011]

SANDERS, Earle L. spanamac@bellsouth.net "...I was stationed with VP-49 NAS Bermuda from 1957 to 1958. I served as a Photographers Mate. At that time there was VP-49, FASRON-111 and a Coast Guard detachment, later VP-45 moved in. At that time there were only seaplanes there, mostly P5Ms. From what I have been reading, four engine land planes were used at a later time. Obviousely the old NAS had been moved, they could not have landed a Piper cub on our base. I have not been able to find out to where it was moved. I can only assume it was around Kindley Field..." [E-Mail Updated 17APR2005 | 05AUG2002]

SMITH, Donald M. dms3811@yahoo.com "...I served with FASRON-111 (1957-1959) at NAS Bermuda. I was a crew member on P5 (BUNO: 130271) until we turned it in to Glen Martin Company in May 1958. I worked in the APU, Prop and Tool Shops. I would like to hear from any former Shipmates. I am a member of the Mariner/Marlin Association (great orginization)..." [E-Mail Updated 30MAY2015 | 03AUG2008]

THOMAS, Walt rvfolks@earthlink.net "...I served in VP-45 from 64 - 67. I was part of the Avionics shop (AX1)until the first NAS Adak, Alaska deployment. At that time I became part of Crew 5 (LN-5 BuNo 151366). LCDR Bradley was PPC. I also served a tour in FASRON 111 (NOB Bermuda) Avionics 1959-1962 during the time when VP-49 & VP-45 were in P5M's (P5M-1 & P5M-2). Following FASRON 111 (AMD NAS Bermuda) I was assigned to FAETUPAC - NAS Norfolk, Virginia where I taught maintenance of ASA-16. I left the Navy in 1967 and have lost contact with most of my former Shipmates (but still have vivid memories) and would enjoy hearing from any of them..." [E-Mail Updated 02JUL2004 | 24APR99]

"FASRON-111 Summary Page"