VP-98 History
Circa 1945
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...FAW-15 - VPB-198 - War Diary - February 1945..." Official U. S. Navy Records (National Archives and Records Administration) via Fold3 http://www.fold3.com/ [23OCT2012]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...77 321499 VPB-98 Patrol Bombing Squadron 98 War Diary 1945...Planes: PBM-5..." http://www.pby.com/SanBruno/9NS3139401
Circa 1944 - 1946
A BIT OF HISTORY: Naval Historical Center, Department Of The Navy, Washington, D. C http://www.history.navy.mil/branches/dictvol2.htm [28APR2001]
VPB-98 14KB
Circa 1944
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...History of FAW-11 - History from 00AUG42-00DEC44 - Submitted December 19th, 1944. Squadron's Assigned: VP-31, VP-32, VP-53, VP-74, VP-81, VP-83, VP-92, VP-94, VP-98, VP-99, VP-130, VP-131, VP-133, VP-141, VP-147, VP-204, VP-205, VP-212, VP-213, VP-214 and VP-215..." Official U. S. Navy Records (National Archives and Records Administration) via Fold3 http://www.fold3.com/ [04DEC2012]
"VP-98 History Summary Page"