FASRON-119 Notice
NOTICE: "...I had arrived just several weeks before a crash of a P5M (?) seconds after take off from Canacao Bay. I don't recall what VP squadron it was assigned to. The plane came down on the tip of NS Sangley Point, Philippines, not far from the Ammo storage area and just across the street from the "fuel supply tanks". I recall being ordered to go to the site and help carry ammo and other explosives from the underground storage to a safer place, as burning fuel was spreading. I believe there were 12 or 13 crewmen aboard. They were carrying a load of concrete pipeline to a destiantion I cannot recall. It made a very big impression on an 18 year old. Believe me! Can someone please tell me what squadron the plane was assigned to?...RASER, Dwayne Light-Rider@webtv.net..." [12APR2001]
"FASRON-119 Summary Page"